Balancing Macros to Lose Weight and Live a Healthy Lifestyle

The facts are clear: Fad diets just do not work long-term. But all hope is not lost! There are some really effective ways to naturally lose weight and keep it off!
One of those methods is called macro balancing. This scientific approach to keeping a balanced diet works because it’s not about denying yourself tasty treats or meticulously cutting down on calories. Instead, it’s about making sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs in the right proportions. Yes, even sugars, fats, and carbs!
If It Fits…
What does balancing your macros mean? Learning to balance macros means you pay attention to the carbs, fats, and proteins in everything you put in your mouth – but you don’t need to restrict yourself from any one type of food. If you pay attention to the numbers, you track your intake, and you balance the ratio that you need, you can eat just about anything you want.
What that means for you really depends on your goals. The three categories of macronutrients are proteins, carbs, and fats. Our bodies need all three to function properly, which is why cutting carbs leaves you run down, and getting rid of all fats ultimately leaves you feeling unfulfilled. A healthier approach to weight loss and proper nutrition is keeping them all in balance, according to a ratio structure that suits your needs.
The Ratios
Macronutrient ratios vary depending on your nutrition goals. The good news: They are easily adaptable.
For example, a good starting point and balanced approach is to have 45% proteins, 35% carbohydrates, and 20% fats or another balanced option is a 40-40-20 ratio. If you’re looking to follow the Keto diet, accelerated, or low-carb diet, an optimal ratio would be 60% proteins, 10% carbohydrates, and 30% fats.
Fitting in to Your Lifestyle
When you choose ReBuilt Meals, you have the ability to choose a meal plan to fit your macro goals and optimize your health and fitness goals. ReBuilt offers four meal plans: Plant-based, Keto, Performance, and Lifestyle. Each of these plans are geared to offering you the best option for your lifestyle, activity level, and metabolism. Every package details all of the nutrition content in that meal – so all you have to worry about is eating delicious food and not the tedious work of looking up every ingredient in your meals.
Not only that, the packing of all of our meals contains a unique bar code that links directly to the MyFitnessPal app, making it even easier for you to track your macros. We all have different body types, nutritional needs, and goals, and we’ve made hitting your goals that much easier!
Choose ReBuilt Meals
ReBuilt Meals offers a wide variety of chef-prepared, nutritious, flavorful meals that can help you balance macros. Check out this week’s menu here. You have 30 different options to choose from each week! And there’s even some gluten-free sweet treats and doughnuts if you care to switch up your balance of macros one day! ;)