ReBuilt Meals Featured on Fox 13's "Made in Tampa Bay" segment

Brandon Assaf, ReBuilt Meals' CEO was recently interviewed for a feature on the "Made in Tampa Bay" segment on Fox 13 Tampa Bay. The segment was created to inform connect Fox 13 viewers with local businesses and artisans who create and produce right here in Tampa Bay. The segment features stories of interesting products and services that are made and provided locally - with a special interest in the people who make it all happen.
The ReBuilt Meals mottos is "Cook Less, Live More." And Brandon goes on to explain exactly what that means, "Whether it working, taking care of your family, going on vacation... we are here to take the time that you would spend cooking - and to give that time back to your to do the things you really love."
ReBuilt Meals is a lifestyle brand. We are here to increase your quality of life by offering quality, consistent meal products that are nutritious and flavorful. We perfectly portion every meal to help our clients meet their nutrition goals, and we offer four different types of meal plans that will satisfy nearly any dietary need and discerning palate.
The best part? ReBuilt Meals offers over 30 different meal options every single week. "That is extremely difficult to do and we don't make it easy on ourselves," explains Assaf, "But the reason we do it is to provide the maximum amount of enjoyment for our clients so they are happy with our service."
"We're not perfect. But we always want to get it right in the end. And we want to make sure that we are delivering the highest, most consistent quality product every single week."